My Book

"El mundo empieza contigo" - "The world begins with you"

I’m so happy to tell you a bit about my book “The world begins with you.”  When I was walking in the beautiful park in Mexico City, Parque México, I got inspired and a title flashed through my mind. I had many ideas about books before, but at this very moment I knew that this was the one I wanted the most to write and publish first. My passion for personal development, psychology, spirituality and coaching lead me to constant lifelong learning. Seeing the results of my clients and how often the lack of emotional intelligence skills, knowledge how to manage thoughts and emotions brought them to different situations in life where they felt lost, confused, overwhelmed with negative emotions and worries not seeing the solution and focusing on the emotions that led them nowhere, I decided to share my knowledge in this books to reach more people and to provide them with necessary tools. 

Very often people go to the doctor, when they are already sick, instead of taking precautions not to get ill. The same is here. If you learn the tools, you will confront the situations in life much better and even if it will still be a challenge, you will know how to give it a twist and to make a better decision. And if you have something in your life that you would like to change, shift and transform, you can learn how you can do it. 

What I noticed myself, that we all need reminders. No matter how skilled you are in many things, we are all humans and we are emotional beings. So, this book is not only to read just once. You can always have it at hand in a print version or in a digital format to grasp it whenever you need it, or just for motivation, inspiration and empowerment. Whenever you see that you are getting lost in your emotional states, you can change your perspective and reactivate your mind with the coaching tools.  

Of course, changes don’t happen overnight or in a day, it’s constant work, but the more you learn and apply, the easier it gets and there will come a time, when it will simply become a habit. I also talk about modern spirituality, happy and healthy relationships, body consciousness, emotions and illnesses, the balance between the mind and emotions and more. 

Where to find my book

At the moment I published the book in Spanish, the language I chose to write it in, but I will probably translate it into English. You can find it on different platforms and book shops in different countries and also on Amazon. I list some of them below: