Life Coaching.

Business Coaching.


Reset your mind, reshape your vision, get the necessary tools and “aha” moments with valuable insights to finally make a difference in your life.

We all have fears, we all have challenges. It’s not about shrinking inside and remaining stuck, it’s about overcoming your limitations, expanding your potential, feeling empowered and discovering new possibilities. Everything is Mindset Work. With your own thoughts you can cut the wings of your dreams or make them stronger. 

I love Tony Robbins quote: “It’s never about your resources, it’s about your resourcefulness.” Sometimes you just need a tiny twist, a shift of mindset to see beyond your fears, to find this hidden “How” to do what you desire. Talking about any aspect of your life, your business, your personal life, your career.

About me…

Hello, I’m Elena, ICF accredited certified Life & Business Coach passionate about personal development and a mission to make this world a better place. You can also call me Results Coach or Greatness Coach and Inspirational Writer. Recently I published my first book “The world begins with you”. At the moment it’s available in Spanish as “El mundo empieza contigo” and will soon be also in English and probably in a few more languages. I love inspiring people to achieve great results in life and to discover their strength and to regenerate and recreate their life the way they truly desire from the bottom of their heart. 

I’ve been giving coaching for several years working with international clients from different countries via Zoom. You don’t need to prepare, just have a topic to work at. In 2022 I’ve successfully completed a professional coaching certification ACTP ICF, PCC Level according to the standards of International Coaching Federation (ICF) and successfully passed the accreditation. I also have a Master of Arts in Intercultural Communications, Languages, American Studies (2011) and Professional Certifications in Online Marketing and Public Relations (2013-2014, 2022, 2024), yoga and fitness. I have vast work experience working for companies, universities, having my own businesses and even teaching yoga and fitness. I speak English, German, Spanish and Russian at a native speaker level and can give you coaching in these languages. 

Coaching had a transformation effect on my life. It was a huge eye-opener for me. I learnt so much about myself and about other people. Working with hundreds of clients with different situations and backgrounds I learned how to help people to improve their life. I would love to help you too. I believe that you are awesome.

My Coaching Services

Coaching Topics

Life Coaching

In life coaching sessions I’ll help you to get clarity and understand how you can achieve your goals. You might get valuable “aha” moments and discover things that you haven’t noticed before in your situation and transform your emotional state, patterns and improve your life. You can finally get unstuck and energized for your goals. Nevertheless, keep in mind that applying your learnings into your life is your responsibility. 



  • Overcoming emotional blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Changing repeating patterns in life, for example in your relationship
  • Boosting your self-love, self confidence and self-esteem
  • Setting healthy personal boundaries
  • Job change, finding a job and promotion
  • Choosing the right profession and studies
  • Relationship issues: finding the right partner, improving your relationship and recovering after the separation or death of your partner
  • Good relationship with your parents
  • Emotional states and emotions, sensibility and vulnerability
  • Finding more balance in your life
  • Difficulties in learning a new language
  • Immigration coaching: moving to a new country and adaptation
  • Supervising coaching session for coaches

Every day you have a choice to grasp the opportunity and see the possibilities or to live the usual way. The wonders start when you decide to see them. Our thoughts produce our feelings and our feelings make us do things in life. Working on your mindset, thoughts and emotions will not only empower you, but rewrite your life the way you really want it to be. Struggling on your own can be helpful, but working with a coach is a way more efficient. I experienced it myself too, when I took coaching sessions during my coaching certification and afterwards. Coaching session is a safe space, where the coach would like to help you without any judgment, evaluation or criticism, it’s a place of trust, partnership and resourcefulness. It’s a great opportunity to get new insights about your life and solutions that can have a significant impact on your life.

Business Coaching & Consulting

Having your own business is an amazing opportunity to be your own boss, but it can be very challenging. Or especially to start a business. First of all you need a good business concept and a strategy. You need to define your niche, elaborate thoroughly your products or services. And you also might have mental blocks, fears, limiting beliefs, emotional challenges which prevent you from moving forward in your business. That’s why almost every successful entrepreneur works with a coach. So, I will be happy to help you. 



  • Business strategy and your business concept
  • Productivity and time management
  • Project Management
  • Defining your target audience and niche
  • Communication skills
  • Entrepreneurial mindset
  • Winning over mental blocks and limiting beliefs
  • Team management skills
  • Finding balance between your business and your family 
  • Transforming your emotional states
  • Achieving your business goals

Creating your business concept, launching your business, growing it and expanding it to the next level is not so easy. There might be moments when you need some guidance or new insights to find out where you might have been stuck or where you still have much more potential and opportunities. Business is so awesome, you can always optimize something and launch new products, develop your business in new countries and create even more products and services. But it’s not only a wish to have something of your own, it also requires knowledge of marketing, how you present your products and services on your website, if your website is optimized for an organic search, if your strategy is substantial enough and functional for the market where you would like to sell, you you use the right marketing channels and so much more. It can look like a huge puzzle, but with coaching help, things get a way much easier. I‘m happy to support you with my coaching sessions. 

Do you need help? Don’t hesitate to book a coaching session.

Describe shortly your situation and reserve your spot.

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Client Testimonials

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